Its budget time, and you've got to stretch a tiny budget into a wealth of school supplies. I'm right there with you, and I often wish that there was some place that I could check to see what other teachers thought about certain products. So, I created one. I'll be posting my likes and dislikes on a variety of educational materials and supplies. You can post to! Please do, and make sure the product your discussing is in the title of your post to make it easier for people to search for what they're looking for. Thanks and happy hunting!

Find what you're lookin' for quickly!

Sunday, June 8

The push for technology in education is hard right now, and science equipment is so expensive!  Here's a great alternative to thousands of dollars worth of digital microscopes.

Moticam X

From Motic, where the best science stuff is born, comes the best digital camera yet.  A small (approx. 4" square) box fits over any monocular scope and transmits the image to any wireless device with the free app.  The applications for this are endless and, for the price of one digital scope, now any scope can be not only digital, but wireless!

                       Moticam X

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